Tribulus Terrestris extract can increase the body’s natural testosterone levels and thereby improve male sexual performance and help build muscle.
Tribulus may also be great supplement to take to support sexual health and improve your athletic performance. If you’re involved in a sport that requires power and focus, tribulus may help.
Tribulus Terrestris contains steroidal saponins, alkaloids, and flavanoids, but it is the protodioscins content of Tribulus Terrestris that is believed to be responsible for its apparent ability to boost testosterone levels and support health hormone profile function.
Tribulus has positive effects on free testosterone and luteinizing hormone.
Also, its role in maintaining healthy blood pressure may help to facilitate the flow of oxygenated blood to sexual organs, thereby improving function. Tribulus can rejuvenate the human body, support healthy hormone production and male reproductive health.
Our Tribulus has a minimum of 45% saponin content which makes it one of the best formulas on the market.
Tribulus offers natural, herbal testosterone support. It contains no chemicals or synthetic additives.